What's Good about Them?
The salmon and chia seeds (if you choose to add them/have them available) are a mega dose of brain-friendly Omega-3's, the broccoli packs a punch of vitamin C (more than an orange!) and best of all, they are mega easy to make and transport well for a perfect packed lunch. Let the nom nom nom commence..
What You'll Need:
- 300g salmon
- 1 head of brocolli
- 4 eggs
- 1 tub single cream
- 100ml skim milk
- 1 handful spinach
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds to thicken (optional)
The How-To:
1. Preheat oven to 180c
2. Cut the brocolli small (no bigger than bite-sized), and steam until soft
3. In a mixing bowl, combine eggs, cream, milk, chia seeds, brocolli and salmon. Gently mix through the spinach last.
4. Pour into cupcake cases* and cook approximately 25 mins (until middle is not gooey)
5. Serve with a crunchy side salad
*note on cupcake cases: I use silicon bakeware. I cannot vouch for how this might turn out in paper cases. I imagine it could get a little messy...!