About Me

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I think every meal (yes, every meal!) can and should incorporate some kind of fruit or vegetable. This is a blog that will show you how. I'm a Health Advisor by trade, which means I help people find easy, realistic ways to tweak their eating and exercise habits to maximise their health and well-being. I firmly beleive being healthy is not about dieting, skipping meals, cutting out food groups or exercising until you can't see straight. All you need is to move more, and vegetate your plate!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Individual Salmon and Broccoli Bites

What's Good about Them?

The salmon and chia seeds (if you choose to add them/have them available) are a mega dose of brain-friendly Omega-3's, the broccoli packs a punch of vitamin C (more than an orange!) and best of all, they are mega easy to make and transport well for a perfect packed lunch. Let the nom nom nom commence..

What You'll Need:

- 300g salmon
- 1 head of brocolli
- 4 eggs
- 1 tub single cream
- 100ml skim milk
- 1 handful spinach
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds to thicken (optional)

The How-To:

1. Preheat oven to 180c
2. Cut the brocolli small (no bigger than bite-sized), and steam until soft
3. In a mixing bowl, combine eggs, cream, milk, chia seeds, brocolli and salmon. Gently mix through the spinach last.
4. Pour into cupcake cases* and cook approximately 25 mins (until middle is not gooey)
5. Serve with a crunchy side salad

*note on cupcake cases: I use silicon bakeware. I cannot vouch for how this might turn out in paper cases. I imagine it could get a little messy...!

Banana Pancakes: Flat out Goodness

Pancakes. Several ingredients, a bit lengthy to make (you have to let the mixture rest HOW long?!) and lets be honest, a bit fiddly. Until now.

A friend recently told me about a two-ingredient, gluten-free, dairy free pancake that is ready quicker than you can say pass-me-the-maple-syrup. 

What you need to fill two rumbling tummies:

- 4 Eggs

- 2 Bananas

(the basic rule: double the amount of eggs as bananas, and factor in 1 banana/2 eggs per person, to get 2 large pancakes each)

And that my friends is it. No, there is no accidental deletion of ingredients, that is literally all there is.

'How can it be so simple!', I hear you cry. 

Here's how -

- Mash the bananas with a fork

- In a separate bowl, mix around the eggs with a fork
- Combine the two
- Dollop onto a lightly oiled pan and cook until lightly bronzed either side

Why They're Vegetate-Worthy:

- The banana provides one of your 5-a-day
- The egg makes them high-protein to stop your tummy rumbling
- They taste awesome (if not better) cold, so you can make a big stack and grab a couple on your way out the door in the morning, allowing you that crucial extra 3.4 minutes in bed

For Ultimate Pancake Heaven:

- Add a generous whack of cinnamon and a solid tablespoon of honey to the mixture
- When cooked, top with greek yoghurt and blueberries (hello there 2 of my 5-a-day)
- Soak some porridge oats overnight (one cup should suffice) and add to the mixture. It makes them a bit 'meatier' and keeps you full forever

Flat out nommage.