Homemade pizza base. Mega faff right? Wrong.
My old friend Greek Yoghurt and flour come to the rescue once again by providing a super easy quick pizza base that can be knocked up and ready to eat faster than you can say pizza express.
Not strictly a vegetatemyplate worthy candidate as does not contain any of your 5-a-day, but a great opportunity to load up the top with yummy fruit or veg like a rainbow of peppers, spinach, pineapple, mushrooms, sweetcorn, onion ...
What You'll Need:
Makes 6x ~10cm diameter bases
1/2 cup low-fat Greek yoghurt
1 1/2 cups plain flour*
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
Toppings of choice!
*3-1 yoghurt to flour ratio. (However much Greek yoghurt used, use triple the flour)
The How-To:
1. Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl.
2. Fold in yoghurt
3. Knead knead knead with floured hands for a few minutes until dough feels soft and pliable.
4. Roll dough into 6 even balls, and use a rolling pin (or in my case, a thermos as a rolling pin is something I have yet to purchase. Invention of the mother of necessity.) and roll dough balls out until about 1/2 cm thick
5. Grill in oven 5 minutes either side
6. Whilst grilling, prepare your toppings (slice up your peppers, grate cheese etc)
7. Remove from oven/grill, top with tomato-ey sauce, toppings of choice, and a sprinkling of cheese.
8. Pop back into grill until cheese is golden brown
Top Tips
- Use wholemeal flour to make this even healthier and filling
- The dough can me fridged or frozen. Simply wrap in glad wrap (cling film) so it is airtight, then whip out of the freezer for insta-pizza! (Obviously will need to defrost a little first. But will not take long, especially if dough ball is relatively small)
- add herbs (eg oregano) to the dough to give a tasty twist
- add 1-2 cloves of finely crushed garlic for insta-garlic bread
- use smushed avocado instead of tomato sauce for a colourful and healthy alternative
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