About Me

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I think every meal (yes, every meal!) can and should incorporate some kind of fruit or vegetable. This is a blog that will show you how. I'm a Health Advisor by trade, which means I help people find easy, realistic ways to tweak their eating and exercise habits to maximise their health and well-being. I firmly beleive being healthy is not about dieting, skipping meals, cutting out food groups or exercising until you can't see straight. All you need is to move more, and vegetate your plate!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Quorn vs Meat: The Mince-Off

Vegetarian 'meat' substitutes - always a controversial topic amongst the carnivorous. But, if looking for a classically meat-heavy dish (think bolognese, lasagne, tacos...) that won't add so much strain to your waistline, consider Quorn mince as an option.

(image sourced Quorn UK website: http://www.quorn.co.uk/recipes/vegetable-mince-curry/)

So what is it?

Quorn is made from mycoprotein, which is "a nutritious member of the fungi family that is grown by fermentation similar to the process used in the production of bread, yoghurt and beer".

And why is it good for me?

Compared to regular or even lean beef mince, the difference in saturated fat content is staggering (the stuff that makes icky 'bad' cholesterol that sticks in your arteries and leads to stroke and heart disease. Not ideal). 

The moral is quorn mince has equal the protein, a third the calories, five times the fibre and a FIFTEENTH the saturated fat compared to beef mince (and that's the lean variety. Let's not even think about the normal stuff).

Give it a whirl. If unsure and you want to ease your way in, you could start by using half quorn mince and half beef and see how you get on.

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