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I think every meal (yes, every meal!) can and should incorporate some kind of fruit or vegetable. This is a blog that will show you how. I'm a Health Advisor by trade, which means I help people find easy, realistic ways to tweak their eating and exercise habits to maximise their health and well-being. I firmly beleive being healthy is not about dieting, skipping meals, cutting out food groups or exercising until you can't see straight. All you need is to move more, and vegetate your plate!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Halloumi Quinoa Salad

Quinoa, Halloumi, Courgette and Broccoli Salad

A tasty little treat perfect for a summer's day. High protein, packed with bright green veg, and super salty yummy haloumi! (Yes, I realise halloumi is one of the highest-salt cheeses out there, on occasion it's just brilliant. The mix of squishy halloumi and crunchy veg is delightful!)

Quinoa is the latest entrant on the superfood trendy list. And for good reason. It looks and feels a lot like rice, but as the only vegetarian source of complete protein, unlike rice it will keep you full for a long time, and not cause a big spike in blood sugar levels. You can buy it easily in all supermarkets.

I served this at a gathering full of people for whom quinoa is "one of those weird, healthy things". I told them it was a rice salad, and they gobbled it all up and went back for more!

What You'll Need:
For each person:
- Quinoa: 1/2 cup (uncooked)
- Brocolli 1 cup
- Courgette: 1
- Halloumi: ~ 3 playing card slices
- Salt and Pepper to season
- Olive Oil to drizzle

The How-To:

- In a pan, put the uncooked quinoa and twice as much water (eg: 1 cup quinoa, 2 cups water). (Optional: for addional flavour, pop in a veggie stock cube)
- Cut up brocolli into bite-sized pieces
- Boil quinoa hard for 10 minutes
- Put the brocolli in a steamer above the quinoa to steam merrily away as the quinoa cooks
- Turn down the heat and simmer the quinoa for an additional 10-15 until soft (try a little bit - if crunchy and difficult to chew, its not ready)
- When ready, drain quinoa, season and set aside with brocolli to cool
- Use a potato peeler to create long slices of courgette - including skin
- Slice the halloumi into playing-card sized pieces, and grill for 3-4 minutes each side, until beautifully golden brown 
-  Mix all together, season, and drizzle with olive and mix again.

Serve warm or cold. (the halloumi is definitely yummiest warm though!)

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